Results for 30th January 2023
Division 1 | Score | Points | Losing Bonus | Individual Bonus | Score | Points | Losing Bonus | Individual Bonus | |
Division 1 | Score | Pts | LB | IB | Score | Pts | LB | IB | |
Zapruder ⓘConor Horgan (captain) David Rogers James Conroy John McKenna Liam Whelehan Noel Rogers Paul Hannon | 45 | 0 | The Motley Crew ⓘAmit De (captain) Shane Whitlock Mark Eves Quentin Holt Pat Gibson | 54 | 4 | 1 | |||
The O'Gravitons ⓘDaniel O'Sullivan (captain) Donal O'Driscoll Joe Mac Sweeney Paul Culloty Thomas Keating Chris Harrison Martina Quinn | 50 | 4 | Aldo Bream Sleeps With The Fishes ⓘEamonn O'Riordan (captain) Alan King Brian O'Halloran Donal Ring John Holohan | 49 | 0 | 1 | |||
E=MC Hammer ⓘJoseph O'Donoghue (captain) Alan Slattery Brian Murphy Colin Foster Conor Murphy Dougie Russell Seoan Webb Sid Iyer Tom Lenihan | 38 | 0 | Interprovinziale ⓘPaddy Duffy (captain) Dave McBryan Brian Shaw Carol Cronin Patrick Conway Rick O'Shea Aidan McQuade | 53 | 4 | ||||
The Rollin' Estonians ⓘPatrick Carthy (captain) Clive Dunning Gearóid Grogan James Harpin Kevin Finn Paul Curtayne | 53 | 4 | Risky Quizness ⓘJonathan Williams (captain) Daniel Fullard Karen Byrne Kevin McDermott Tony Rafferty Vincent O'Connor | 39 | 0 | ||||
Division 2 | |||||||||
Thrown Together ⓘCathal Dunne (captain) Alan McClarty Gerry Barrett Jason Butler Kevin Lawless Tom Diffley Tom Waddell | 59 | 4 | Asktheaudience ⓘGerry Barrett (captain) Tom Diffley Tom Clarke Stephen MacDonagh Erin McBride Damien White | 41 | 0 | ||||
The Floaters ⓘPaul Hughes (captain) Brian O'Hanlon Peter Lowney Peter Smith Pádraig McLoughlin | 45 | 0 | 1 | C4M2L ⓘMichael Gunn (captain) Chris Joyce Chris McKenzie Colm Beirne Colm Ó Laoghóg Liam Rabbitte Martha Egan Niall Duddy | 51 | 4 | |||
The Inquizitives ⓘMaura Tobin (captain) Audrey Maguire Chris Devine Kevin G Conroy Christy Cooper | 41 | 0 | 1 | The Kew Tours ⓘDerek Cray (captain) Bernard Sellars John Groarke Colm Murphy Colm O’Sullivan | 45 | 4 | |||
The Underdogs ⓘMark Lynch (captain) Cathy Goulding Dave Finn Eoin Cotter James Sherry | 63 | 4 | The Honeybadgers ⓘDarragh Buckley (captain) Fintan O'Meara David Carolan Adam Nevin Stephen Screeney | 28 | 0 | ||||
Division 3 | |||||||||
Jejah Bombs ⓘHelen Bullock (captain) Gavin Grace Justin Wong Edward Leonard Adish Talwadker John Murphy | 35 | 0 | Quizzie Maguire ⓘCiaran Gallagher (captain) Others TBC | 45 | 4 | ||||
Poblacht na gCeisteanna ⓘPaddy Ryan (captain) Cheyenne Fletcher Lisa Hyland Stephen Mooney Others TBC | 50 | 4 | Silver Backs ⓘRichelle Tracy (captain) Others TBC | 33 | 0 | ||||
Eoin's Motley Q ⓘEoin McCarthy (captain) Andrew Tracey Collie Bartley Ian Wolfe Michael Heary | 30 | 0 | The 4 of Us ⓘAilsa Watson (captain) Catherine Duffy David Cruickshank Patrick Conway Rob Gilbert Sean Nolan | 46 | 4 | ||||
Friendly | |||||||||
A Tribe called Cheist ⓘFrank Tobin (captain) Brian Craythorne Callum McClements Darragh Ennis Gary Stephens Liam Thom Mick Lee | 58 | FFLKSS ⓘFiona Diffley (captain) Fariz Iqbal Liz Flynn Kevin Conlon Stanley Wang Stuart Redmond | 48 |
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