First held during the 2021 COVID lockdown and now firmly established as a part of the quiz calendar, the Irish Quiz League is about to kick off its 5th season this coming Monday January 20th.
For those unfamiliar, IQL is a team-based quiz competition run over several months, with the top teams at the end of the season winning cash prizes! It is very similar to our long-running Dublin Quiz League competition, however while DQL is held in-person once a month in Dublin city centre pubs, IQL instead is held online via Zoom a couple of times a month. So players can take part from all over Ireland (and indeed beyond) from the comfort of their sofa!
The season consists of a League competition which runs from January to May, and a knockout Cup competition which follows in May/June. This year we have 24 teams signed up, which is a nice round number and so we have gathered the teams into 3 divisions of 8 team each.
Registration for teams is unfortunately closed already, however there may be slots available for interested individuals to play with any teams who are short-handed. If you’re interested in this, or if you would like to be notified when registration is open for next season, email league (at) quizireland (dot) ie to be added to the mailing list.