We launched our first “Quarantine Quiz Pack” in June, allowing those running their own online quiz events during lockdown to download a free set of high-quality up-to-date questions, in exchange for a donation to charity.
We’ve been delighted by the response – over €350 has been raised so far, benefitting charities including the Peter McVerry Trust, Pieta House, St Vincent de Paul, Barnardos, Samaritans, Irish Cancer Society and more.
So we’re pleased to announce that we’ve just uploaded a second quiz pack containing all-new questions. Visit the Quarantine Quiz Pack page and look for Pack No. 2. As before, it contains 8 rounds in total, including 2 picture rounds and a music round with audio clips.
Remember, you can freely download the pack and review the questions: only the file containing the answers is password-protected. Simply email questions@quizireland.ie with a receipt from your charity donation and we’ll send you the password.