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Ronan Cahill


  • Year(s) active: 2019
  • Total events played: 1
  • Highest Irish ranking achieved: 95th
  • Best Hot 100 score: n/a
  • Average Hot 100 score: n/a
  • Best global ranking at World Quizzing Championships: n/a

Event history:

MonthEventScorePointsGlobal rankGlobal percentile
Jun 2019Squizzed2224.44n/an/a

Rankings history:

MonthRankPlayed6 game averageOverall average
May 2020106 (-10)14.0724.44
Apr 202096 (-1)14.0724.44
Mar 20209514.0724.44
Feb 202095 (+5)14.0724.44
Jan 2020100 (+1)14.0724.44
Dec 2019101 (-2)14.0724.44
Nov 201999 (+1)14.0724.44
Oct 2019100 (-4)14.0724.44
Sep 201996 (+6)14.0724.44
Aug 2019102 (+1)14.0724.44
Jul 2019103 (+1)14.0724.44
Jun 201910414.0724.44

Rankings history graph:

This graph shows how this player's ranking has trended over time.

Average score history:

This graph shows how this player's average scores have trended over time. This is arguably a better indicator of an individual's personal performance, since unlike the rankings history, it's not affected by other players.

For comparison, both overall average score and top 6 average score are shown -- as a reminder, "top 6 average" (i.e. the average of a player's 6 best scores) is what is used to calculate ranking. Usually this is higher than overall average, but it can drop suddenly if a player has less than 6 eligible scores in a given month, since it is always calculated by dividing total scores by 6 -- even if a player has played less than 6 events.